what was this "***** picture" you were talking about?
hello mocha long time no uhhh "see"
This, my friend, is they best representation of a halcyon class I have seen. It is not perfect, but granted Bungie wont make it possible to make...
well done. seen some bad Autumn,s before but this is great(I used proper grammar). I like how you thought it was important to put the MAC. looks...
Je m'appelle sniperjohn101 i know some french.. any ways this map looks really good. the game play is pretty good to.
thanx for helpin me out guys. i know not many will download because of reach i just wanted to post one last halo map. an to Sircoolguy i dont have...
Map Title: X-DS-IO170 drop from the experimental drop ship straigh into combat. default tam slayer. Download Map Description: You are...
i did and i had some one assassinate me in customs went to matchmaking and kicked some ass and got ass raped by other team if they killed me
YOU REMEMBER unfortunately i am grounded and cant get online for a long while START THE TIT CLAN ON REACH plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
do you happen to be a friend of hassanq n x box live
[IMG] [IMG] When I took this I was bored in forge. My shields flared and I farted out lighting.
Amazing merging but i think i saw some holes. A one sided VIP would do nice; like protect the queen. Over all great job.