um.... this is cool but um, links?
Ok, even though i agree with everyone above me, you can all stop saying more pics. 1 person can say it for him to get the message not 30.
the only part i have trouble with is after the first tele. ios there a faster way to do it? i mean it keeps taking me like 5 minutes to move an...
not up too fogehub standards.... could someone help me please.... i don't have the standards hooked up.
the sentinel beam is a good concept, but...... once they get it, then they will pretty much spawn kill. don't you think.
a little short. might want to put more pics with descriptions, or maybe more descriptions. like what is this for? might want to make a gametype...
looks cool! could use some descriptions for the pics though...... but still your getting +1 download from this guy.
i agree with the "sexy dude" above me. and why do you only kill elites? are you racist/speciest(???) to elites?
this looks pretty cool. but, it could use an overview pic. just saying.
um... yeah. i agree with everyone above me..... so yeah....... but i do want to see some pics.
Even with all of the stuff it's missing it still seems a little weird. I mean the "scientist's" have to stay alive with unknown weapons for thirty...
i really liked the tripmine! how'd you do that?
sounds awesome ill dl!