The arcade game is not really as deep and enjoyable as the actual card game, but it is a good solid starter for people interested in Magic. It...
I think its about time to revive this thread. I'm currently playing the Quest for the Holy Relic WW deck that has become popular over the last...
I'm gonna give my friend back his Black Ops and actually be on more often and accepting invites if anyone is running customs. I know Ladnil has...
Gilkey's...good? Did I miss something?
With the official announcement that they will be involving Reach in a few of the events for this season I think its clear Halo 3 MLG has developed...
Mark VI head and chest, and Hayabusa shoulders
My thoughts exactly.
I got back into YGO recently. Built a budget deck at $35 compared to the average $150 people spend to make competitive decks. I placed 3rd at...
I sure hope they don't expect us to play card games without motorcycles.
I hate vehicles. Space or not, I will not be playing that mission more than once.
I hate vehicles in Halo. This is mandatory vehicle combat. Thus...I hate it.
Space battles... Looks like there will be a few levels I'll only be playing once through then skipping on all subsequent playthroughs.
So does this confirm Hysteria as the evil mastermind behind tD all these years? Has he been pulling the strings of the puppet captain SK? Its...
Instead of giving a well thought out post supporting and condemning these team change decisions I'm gonna go ahead and give a shout out to SK and...
Aaaaaand sig'd