Always glad to help. : Bungie Reach Forgetacular Contest : 10/14/2010 5:50 AM PDT
When I first played the ODST Campaign I killed the engineers because I did not know of this achievement. I started the entire campaign over and...
Ramming other cars to get fuel? People would complain about that being unrealistic. Filling up the car with gas at gas stations would be a cool...
Go to google and look up Quickfreedom. Easy user-friendly way to jailbreak 2g ipod touch. Im not sure but I think there are some different steps...
Gamertag: skater770 Mic: of course Ideas: Sing rick roll with people taking turns singing a line of the song in order in the pregame lobby.. (or...
Don't be jealous because your not making that money.
I would love to see Regicide in matchmaking. I have played on it before and it was awesome. Amplified sucks, I cannot even see how it made it...
Your post is not up to forgehub standards. I think you need to read this thread.
The leaders would keep the codes for themselves and their friends.