Hmmmm very interesting indeed... I don't really know what to say. I have downloaded more than a few of your maps and have been blown away by...
Holy Blam! dude... I personally am not a fan of the juicy effect however it fits nicely on this map and on its observational table. Also some say...
pics man pics. unless you want your post blocked that is.
nice map i would fix the download button on the top though.
If you still want to do that idea it is still possible being that the part during the campaign, in which the double bridges appears, does not have...
So, I know that there is an objective that all players are supposed to make it to. However, if one were less concerned with making it to the boat,...
Alright people, this is not Narrows so go make your own post
I did a quick walk through and I must say, you obviously have not heard that phasing weapons does not work. However I must also add that shooting...
Map Name: CE bridge Canvas Name: Forge World Player Count: 2-8 Gametypes That Require Testing: Team Slayer, Assault, Capture the Flag...