i hate it when after I finish a test session with a full group and all i get is "it was good." I would love someone to tear my map apart for...
So i have begun remaking simplex from halo 4. obviously its not my map and not a direct remake but the general layout is still the same. can i...
3 Maps in the cooking pot. One's very angular, one's very round, and ones an asymmetrical box.
[IMG] [media] History So after I built Waterworks, a map not ready for release yet, I became inspired by its asymmetrical design. So...
[IMG] [media] History This map has been in production for a very long time and has seen many revisions over the months. From a two story...
[IMG] http://youtu.be/6KQ75o6gNww Hello one and all it is I Sinogard Nunitsuj, or Sinonitsuj as my gamer tag says, I am here to announce that...
New Terra, a place of splendid wonder, well at least it was until you all battled it out in your Red Vs Blue battles. Nah I’m just joking. I’m...
Well hello everyone, I am back with yet another map, Hillside Compound. Before I dive into it I would like to thank everyone who helped me test...
Hi ya’ll, Its me once again. Getting Tired of these yet? No? Ok well here’s our next installment and look into the Silver Map Pack, Erosionasa....