Remy!!! The infection will soon be apon us. Hopefully you will have us prepared to fight for our lives in one of your infection, survival...
If anyone know a fix to this problem, please let me know. I am having an issue where I can NOT select a bookmarked gametype for the life of me....
I'm not going to nit pick at obvious issues that doesn't matter or contribute to the overall experience of your map. However, you sir deserve a...
It seems like everyone's remaking Sanctuary nowadays. I almost have a Sanc remix for all the seasons. This will be my winter. Good job on the...
So when you leave you 3D printed spartan in your room alone, he comes to life and starts climbing everywhere... Untill Andy comes home. Ironic...
In a way, I'm trying to come up with something to fill this open area. It's not easy coming up with something to make those huge corridors work....
A walk around what I've started working on :)
That looks amazing. I'll have to check it out in game to see what pieces you used. Sounds interesting, I would like to see a picture of it....
I was waiting to see who would make a really good remix of Sanctuary, or Asylum in this case. Plays very well. My friends and I love it....
Anyone want to help me with a map idea?
Right now, I'm working on a 4v4 slayer map in a castle/church theme. I'm hopping to have this tested and uploaded by tomorrow earliest.
Very well designed. An 8v8, big team, match would be much for this map. I've yet to play a match here but I assume it'll play perfectly in a 4v4...