Silver Sol Los
Last Activity:
Jan 16, 2009 at 6:42 PM
Jan 15, 2009
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Silver Sol Los

Ancient, from Im from the town of Kells in the county(state) of

Senior Member
Silver Sol Los was last seen:
Jan 16, 2009
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  • About

    Im from the town of Kells in the county(state) of
    Silver Sol los
    Well,My name is Conor.Im from Ireland.its practically an iceberg here(sunny days are rare nowadays thanks to global warming) so its pretty much freezing.I got a familuy of 5.My mom and dad,my sister and my brother.I go to Pobailscoil Chiaran(irish for St.Ciarans community school) and I am in my first term there.Lief there is a bore,apart from the occasional laugh or detention.the school takes strict to insane(you can get suspended if your caught pushing someone)I like to play the Xbox 360 and cy

    Cycling,swimming,playing xbox,messin around with the computer