thanks everyone for the comments il put another city map on today. does anyone know how to use the thumb nails ive copy and pasted the link of...
OK so a few weeks back I downloaded a city map the map was OK but I thought i could do better so I set to work making city maps Years ago when...
introducing the prime real estate that is ocean view city! OK so a few weeks back I downloaded a city map the map was OK but I thought i could do...
on forge hub you cant just put a map on and say this is great. people need at least one picture of your map if you want anyone at all. I know your...
This looks soooo fun. this looks like the kind of game i would like. dl it straight away cant wait to try it. the only problem is the lack of...
wow liked the big red button great idea dl it straight away il be defiantly using the technique in many of my maps
wow awesome ascetics. ooooooh shiny zombie spawn!. played this game with none other that the creator, and after many play thoughs it is much like...
a racing veteran yea zow sure. anyway this map looks awesome are you sure your a rookie the track looks fun and it looks like it accomplishes the...
new improved version coming soon fixed scoring spectator rooms and no gaps or dodgy forging il post it i place of this map
not a bad effort just one critisism .... the covinant base a banshee a wraith and 2 plasma cannons its just not a base but on a higher note the...
wow a cave map that actually looks like a cave me ad my friends are making amap simular to this (not as good though) super astectics and from the...
funny...... zow jr got in contact with me and we noticed that they were simular and after seing mine he is concidering doing his own version we...