definatley wallpaper worthy. awesome effects!
the 1st one is tooooo brightttt the 2nd is much better TEXT! find a better text, make it less obtrusive, and move it closer to your focal the...
the focal is unidentifiable and the effects just look blurred, they dont help the sig at all
to me it seems like the render was pasted on, other than that its very good
damn you're right, i didn't notice the line around it.. oh well, i'll try and fix it i guess and i'm gonna work on my SOTW entry, thanks for all...
the color one is better.. but theres too much of one color
you should change the N to a different color. i was confused at first cause i didnt know there was even an N over on the right lol
thank you :)
wow.. those are truly amazing works :) i like v1 better, the blue thats in the sig makes it look a lot better. the text matches the sig, and i...
much much much better :D
this map is great fun, my whole party had a blast racing it, 8/10 :D