Yeah, I haven't played with my Xbox or PC for about 2 weeks. I've been coding, and find it enjoyable. I used to only code when I needed to, but...
I've been playing around with my crappy server computer recently, 'cause my awesometastic one is in repair. Mind, this crappy server computer is...
Longsword Stealth Bomber!
Recoil. Some game in the future, and you're a tank. And you kill things. You get different tank variations, like hovercraft, boat, treads, etc....
Got it. Anyways, I'll be setting up a guest area on the server I made so that you can build whenever I'm not on. :P
Ack, I hate WoM. Anyways, Macs have been known to have some problems and such. I'm getting a ForgeHub server up soon. WAIT A BIT.
Update your graphics drivers. MOST LIKELY.
Ha. It seems like you guys are enjoying Minecraft. I could get a server up sometime.
If that's a server problem, with startserver.bat, then I suggest editing the .bat, and replacing java with the filepath to java.exe. Make sure you...
Yes. I am a spammer, seeing as how I joined almost 2 years ago.
I haven't been on FH in a while, but seeing as how you are all SOMEWHAT creative, being forgers and all, I thought I could share a nice little...
Good map and everything but I see a few places that need a bit more cover. I also don't see many spawns, and some interlocking could be touched up...
AHHHH. I remember playing this map when it was first released. This map is IDEAL for snipers after testing it. Especially a headshots only style...