same here :/ i was all pumped, i had a huge group playing customs, i loaded it up and that came up. i was like awwww..... fix please (>_<)
really? if thats true then thats not cool... that would explain why the map is amazing but the game type is awful...
oh and does anyone know how to edit the details of the original post? not the stuff i typed but the links at the start and the image that appears...
alright everyone, i am currently working on version 2 of this, the things that you will see in it are: -first objective elites cant get out too...
you can customize what the invasion settings are in the gametype. the man cannons have been set to inv_weapon or inv_vehicle with pahse number set...
much to small imo, but its a good start. the interior space you have looks good. some stuff you add for aesthetics are shield door computer...
lol, wrong person. i didnt make a helms deep map, i was thinking about it though. i did the operation Eisenhower game
hey, did you get mah PM? cuz it didnt show up in my sent box.
i considered this but i found that section to actually be very easy for the spartans even with the elites all out there. the spartans would always...
i have been considering having an alternate route through a cave system, its just i need to figure out what to delete to get the budget. i have $0...
well i am very glad you like my map. you can control what the objectives are by creating a custom invasion gametype. when you go into the game...
Thank you for the feed back, im glad you guys like the aesthetics! thats where most of my bidget went. i also forgot to mention that the cannon...
Ladies and gentlemen of the forging community, I present to you my very first forge hub map post. I have been working on this map nearly everyday...
i really like the concept, a helms deep invasion map is just what we need. however i think that you went about the stages wrong. just because the...