revamp @Atlas- while i appreciate your position i cant help but feel you havent actually played the map and/or spent time beyond running around...
pictures i see your POV atlas, rather, i see what ur saying in terms of the dimly lit coliseum (sort of). but what some see this way, i view as...
@ Flexy did you actually play the build or just review the pictures. i wholeheartedly disagree. the structures are unique. none are pre-made...
XEL’VOK Created by SEVEN7H sparq Map Description A MUST PLAY. Clean. Tested. Balanced. All play styles. Indoors. XEL’VOK is where the...
hey, i need some help, i got a couple of pretty nice maps and i want to post them, what do i need to do? i cant find out how to post? and what...
this is probably so dumb, but can any one private msg me and tell me how to submit a map? (i have two pretty nice ones id like to submit, also,...