Theres seems to be a small amount of cover in this map, maybe add some A and B signs to make some cover, it's a little sloppy where you...
this map is kinda sloppy and very open and small, try taking out all the power weapons like the rocket sword and hammer and put in some rifles and...
I like i9t but the bases are kinda useless sorry to say, and if you ahve enough items block off that area of foundry no one uses i think it will...
This map is good but i think you should make the huge wall you have there out of WALLS so that it's roomer and looks better, and flip the bridges....
It's not bad at all, accaully it's really good but i don't predator at all. Good map except the bridge, I know you wanted it to look fallen apart...
It's differnent than most maps (in a good way) but the ramp is really sloppy and maybe make it more interesting seeing as well you just go a ways...
Instead of old western and whatever else you used just use gloomy and juicy it will give a better creepy feeling for what yuou doing
Wholy crap i believe you to be a god and this should get featured right away the game type and map and helicopter even is orginal and i love the...
if you ask me it's not that there's not alot of changes, (whitch this is) but it's just plain and to big to really be fun all the humans would...
It's very close quartered whitch isnt bad but maybe open it up a little.
interlocking is good but i think that you need to get rid of the turrets and you can make it bigger if you just dident interlock ther boxes...
This is really good but i think that you need to make a better stairs than pallets thosew are really just annoying, and also make the fence walls...
I do like the map alot but i think the attackers seem to have such a big armory that the vechicles of the people on the "whale" seem useless.
I like the idea of it but it seems to be missing somthing, You should make the turns sharper and add a kewl looking center peice where the empty...
It's really boring dude, this is a big map so if your going to add things you need to add alot and make a real noticable difference.