Usually im not a fan of maps in the crypt but this one looks exellent. The round donought shaped roofs really looks awesome.
The ammount of cover on this map seems a little much in m opinion but the forging and bases look exellent.
I would like an overview of the map because I dont really have a feel for the map from te screen shots you have shown.
Great use of cover and the forging was great. I like how you incorperated cover inside the capture point.
Looks kinda small but the forging looks good. Maybe just add some walks ways on the sides for another route than the one in the middle.
This map is great! I really like how it actually looks like a mansion. The forging doesnt look the neatest but it looks like a fun infection map...
Looks like a great idea for a map. Usually im not a fan of filters but the filter really adds a nice touch to the map.
Looks like a great remake and the forging looks solid as well. Just one question do the pallet doors respawn.
The map looks really great. I like how some of the buildings look destroyed or borded up it really adds a nice touch to the map. 4.6/5
Im not a big fan of flying race tracks myself but as far as they go this looks like a pretty good track.
Please, read the rules before posting next time.
I like the idea of a maze with traps in it instead if justa large puzzle you roam in until you find the end great job on the map.
I dont understand why james said this was not innovative it looks great and innovative. I think Ill dl.
The cages with the boxes in them add a nice touch to the map. The layout also seems to go hand and hand with counter strike. Nice Job!
Trying to bring counter strike into halo 3 seems like a challenge but you seemed to do it very well. The layout of the map is great along with...