Not really about the no life part, when you do quick scope someone you get a feeling that you just completely destroyed somebody :) How does it...
Yeh basically Intervention = pwn close range Barrett = pwn Long range Both pwn =Medium Range
Barrett vs Intervention I use both snipers, a awful lot in fact I've mastered both of them, I also do a lot of quick scoping. Sniper...
If u had a gravity lifts set out like this would stuff hover in the middle? --v > s < --^ <>^v = gravity lifts s = a object
wow amazing, and it's playable this should be featured On to the map: Nice geomerging and a good use of interlocking. I like the bit where the...
This is my new one. PORTAL: [img]
Here are mine their not very good (there a .gif) [IMG]
You guys have absolutely no sense of humor
Trust me this is funny [IMG]
ok I'll put some good ones up next time
Here they are [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Comment an rate please.
Amazing map I love the elevator and the way you put the doors on it to Game play is brilliant one of the best maps Ive seen in ages
I say No2 cause he was working on the ghost and could splattered him also there is no bullet marks anywhere