this is my firt video, one tribute of halo. Halo battle‏ - YouTube
Hi! I present you my new map, Shield Generator! This is a map designed for slayer, one flag, oddball and Crazy King! I hope away like it! I leave...
thanks sky ;)
thanks availablemoth! I hope you will like to do some slayer game with your friends ;)
sorry zocho is my second map "serious" to reach, I did not know it was so obvious the construction around the radius of tempest...
Hi forger and gamer! This is my new map, thought this morning to test tempest forge for my first time... I leave you with the screenshots and...
I remade this map because I have to participate in a private contest....
among them some place other. there are other ways that are compatible, I updated ;) Edited by merge: new screen posted ;)
yes i did a remake but it is in final stage... then will post that too;)
ok sorry....
would not be funny if it was not discovered ;)
hi! this is my oooold map created in halo 3. my friends and we played a lot and always liked it at all. unfortunately it is only set for the...