Thanks for all the nice feedback guys! It's so cool that everybody's still DL and enjoying this map. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll have my...
Congrats! Lights and SquidHands! You guys definably deserve this feature! This is easily one of the best 1v1 or 2v2 maps ever made on foundry....
Vote:Synopsis Reason:The map is very well balanced and a lot of fun competitive gameplay. Testing:Played with some friends and had a great time.
Thanks a lot dude.
Thanks everyone for all the great feedback, and taking the time to try our map. I appreciate it greatly! Thanks Forge Hub!!!!!
Have you actually downloaded the map and played a game on it? Or is that opinion just from the pics?
So I was just wondering guys, can I get some feed-back on what game types you think work so far for phoenix. Personally my favorite is king of the...
Hey Epic, I had a lot of fun playing on this map yesterday, even though the second game I had to play with a bunch of whiny little girls. The only...
Wow, 100% perfect, and the featured map! Could it get any better feed-back then that? Thanks a lot painkiller it means a lot to me, that so many...
I think it would be easier for me to describe what I'm talking about, if we were in a custom room looking at your map. If you want to, add me! My...
Thanks a lot Squidhands, for the support! We basically went with the red OS because the custom seemed to get burnt a lot.
This is by far one of my favorite foundry maps. All the game types play great, also I think this is the best FFA map to play on. Great job Kon!
The flag game we played on this map last night, was such a long Epic game, I thought it would never end! This is a great map by the way. The only...
This is another great map Baron, you always make very good maps. Flag games on this map are a lot of fun! Good job bro!
I love the bases on this map Bob, I also like your sniper towers. This was a fun map to play on the other night, even though you absolutely...