If its going to be a MLG map take the mongoose out.
cool sigs. i like the mario and venom ones the best
the painting looks alot better than the normal. black>yellow looks good
they all look like great maps. know i just need to see if the games run good on them.
I love all the conquest maps. i think this one would be another great addition.
Rip sean taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otl9BQdjzo4
that 1st hit was nasty. the second hit was nasty also. the 1st hit would of hurt alot more.
THIS GIRL IS A BADASS http://youtube.com/watch?v=eTosQerWBzU
What i heard gta had a good story and theres alot of replay value to that. oblivion and assassins creed are also good ones too.
yeah it is very annonying. i usally just bring a tank over to there base and kill all of them. edit yes i does affect you because if your in a...
looks really nice. it reminds me of sanctuary from halo 2 mainly from the middle stucture.
Wow, how many times did you kill your teamate jeez lol.
hey forgehub i havent been her in a while because i have been playing other games now im playing halo alot more. im back and if you ever need any...