Overall looks quite good; last screenshot is 1337, and I get where you're coming from with Terminal - that is a great map. Consider adding some...
The quality of the aesthetics on this creation of awsomeness is near unparalled. The attention to detail, so it seems, is also amazing....
OH THE AWSOMENESS! I....CAN'T.......CONTAIN..............IT.................ARRGHHHHAGRAGHHAHGHHHHHGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I've...
Rubber Grunt, same for B.net
No, I was just confirming this for a guy who is new to the thread who had posted this a few pages previously. Oh, and thanks BlueJay. I hope for...
MAJOR DISCOVERY! NO JOKE! Ha, I just keep on having the most amazing discoveries. I am so amazing. Alright, enough of me boasting, this is...
Hey, Bluejay, not that this is SO relevant, but I'm pretty sure that the only human vessel in Halo 1 was the Pillar of Autumn, and I do not recall...
[IMG] OK, see right on the back of it on that bit at the top that juts out? See the red triangle there? Now see the white text to the right of...
OH THE EPICNESS! I'VE MADE A MASSIVE DISCOVERY! Well, sort of. OK, has anyone taken a really good look at the crashed Albatross? No? Well,...
Alright, firstly Sandtrap is set on the Ark, as evidenced by the Aegis Fate. The area was simply a battleground between the UNSC forces of the...
The levels don't need to be in order, but you have to play through the entire missions, not just start at "Rally point Alpha" for example. All the...
I've actually got some stuff here that I found that might help. I was looking around on Sandtrap for ideas, and here's a few things I noticed: 1)...
Yeah, that is very good. Good compostion, lighting (on elite) is EPIC, moon looks 1337 and the sword is sweet! Keep up the good screens!
Yep, thats oddball. As for the screen, LOL. Good gravemaking going on there. The door, pallet and skull work well 4.5/5 =)