Now I know I'm not supposed to bump my own thread, but I feel my map deserves some more attention. I'm currently working on a v2 with improved...
Thank you for the compliment, but this isn't my first attempt at a map. Rather, my first posted map on a website dedicated solely to forging....
Thanks for the positive input. I'm glad you see the work I've put into this map. As for the name, it came down to either "Quarantine" or...
Regarding your screenshot problem, I recommend using tinypic. Go to your fileshare, click 'save as' on your screenshot and save to...
No description, no game-type, and no cover. I'm sorry but I don't see what you were going for with this map. Everything is askew and I see no...
You're absolutely right, your map was one of the many inspirations I had when I forged Reservoir, although the replication of the basement was not...
Ah, I had a feeling the FX would be an issue in the screenshots. Thank you for the constructive criticism. I forgot to mention in case you dont...
Reservoir Created by Royalll Supported Gametypes: Custom Infection Variant - Outbreak Weapon List: Magnum x1 @ 10s w/1 clip Magnum x2 @ 20s w/1...
First off I'd like to say that I love the water tower structure, its totally unique which is a rarity among foundry maps. Second, the lockable...