yo remy it me royal bloodbath nice map like the guide to jumping i truly love this map and i encourdeg you to make more mlg maps i wish more...
i made a map like that but its better and it has a game type called hunters and its infecshon a the humans kill the hunters but know i need some...
this map is great but my only advice is change the weapons like the gravity hammer and put some BR's down I played it. it was great put a sniper...
the inside of the map is cappercorn a map someone eles made you deleted some of the stuff like the tree in the middle...
this is not up to forge hub standerds pls make one pic and better descpitshon
i was in that vid i was royal blood bath check the names good job oooh em geee
i dont know why you named your map after a phisical charicteristic of a gene but ok like the lay out i whant to see a pic of the middle you should...
post your maps here not asking for ideas go to fourms and do that and this is not up to forge hub standereds
[IMG]i love this map and its semetricall and ctf just great and its smooth and veichels[IMG]and the base in the middle is good but the bottem in...
this is sexy and amazing i love raceing maps that are good and great but whats with the junk in the bottem middle but who care's i love the...
good map i love all of them besides the first onei just dont get it what is it for and why are the bases like that but whatever i love the maps...
ok idea you have but you have alot of things to do before you get a 4/5 u need a second floor and some things you would find in a lazertag place...
this isint origanal i remember the map with the hornet and you controld it this is called mamoth this is the same thing on the other side but with...
nice map i dont like lightung effects ill try it out the map is good and the catacombs are great you should try to merg a little more...
wow nice map love the merging and the sniper tower but why is there a mauler up there but what ever love the bases and the lower level its well...