Well, I thought everything looked good until the second level. It looks thrown together. I'm sure it is still just as fun. It'll just look better...
Ok, took longer than I expected (got into Fallout 3), but here's v2 of Grave Digger. I didn't change the shape at all, but the inside is much...
luckiesnipes, if someone wants to ruin the game for themselves, i'm not stopping them. There is no way back in if you go out. You'll either have...
Yeah, I looked at it after I made it and was like, "I wonder who the first one to notice this will be?". Congratulations!
What does hmm mean? Do you hate it?
Wait, what wall in the middle? You mean the entire room?
I didn't actually... mean to make it in the shovel. And I was getting lazier as I went on. I hate the back end. The only part I like is the...
Attention: Quit telling me to edit or add stuff! I'm doin' it! I will be done in a couple of days! Calm down! Hey, hey! This is the second map...
It looks small because it is small. It's in the description...
Ok, so I want to know if anyone has downloaded it yet. Nobody has said that they have... And an overview was kinda difficult because the map is so...
I made this map so there wouldn't be a lot of cover. I wanted there to be a lot of open combat. But if most people prefer cover then I will put...
It's not really based off of it, but i just needed a name and I am not to creative when it comes to that.
Ok, the link to the map is working now. And about the gametype. Is it required to have one?