Omg omg omg omg omg omg idea STEALERRR!!! :3
I'm pretty sure your supposed to have an un-edited picture of your map for your thumbnail image. You could take the one you have now, and post it...
I didn't take those pictures just for this thread. They were just on my facebook and it was a lot easier just to grab those. If i cared about it...
I only actually have like two or three games saved.. i guess I'll just send you a few clips from those then.
can i send you clips? or do i send the whole game?
I would if i could dude. No capture card, and no bungie pro.
If anyone has a decent sized clan, or is one. Please recruit me. Preferably a competitive one that is involved in game battles. My gamer tag is...
I only teabag if... They tea bagged first I'm not trying Its completely justified (I get an extermination or something) or... if i feel like it...
FAT KID!!!!!! Oh my god, i missed the great escape maps of halo 3 sooo much. I know this isn't one, but i miss fat kid in general. Downloaded...
This mini game is sexy. Nice work man. Some people were screaming from the excitement when i played haha.
It looked promising, so i downloaded. I played it with about 12 people, and I'm not gonna lie, no one in my party liked it. For the first part,...