Rabid Hogs submitted a new map: Warground Grifball - A Grifball court in the middle of a war ground. This map is built off of the Grifball...
This map is built off of the Grifball template by runNOKYARDrun. The two other starting platforms and the ~6 colored spawns are removed, as well...
1: GT: Rabid Hogs Map name: Frostbite 0.8 Gametype to play: BTB CTF Amount of players my map supports: 8v8 Description: I attempted to fix the FPS...
EDIT: After some tweaks, the MAP WAS RELEASED: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/tetrad.1894/ [ATTACH] Tetrad is a symmetrical 2v2 Slayer map I...
After a little googling, I found this incomplete list:...
Map submission, Gamertag: Rabid Hogs Map Name: The Manor Pictures: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/the-manor.885/
Rabid Hogs submitted a new map: The Manor - A submission for the Haunted Forge contest. This map was made for the Haunted Forge contest. It is...
EDIT: This map is in Halo:MCC, not Halo 5 This map was made for the Haunted Forge contest. It is an aesthetic map of a house and a small...