I'm 99% percent done with my Turf Remake just gotta do adjustments and stuff, then finally ready for testing.
Currently working on Turf Remake(to lazy to post pics)http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/SilverEonBullet/screenshot/3788050
Lol I've noticed that in Parallax keeps giving the wrong lighting and it gets annoying. Although what's funnier there no light bake on Fathom but...
Because this is the worst population since Halo 4 and by fun what do you mean? Customs/Forge? Just asking
Yea I call bull on those stats at that point in time Halo 5 was doing worse than Battlefront as most played and it had around 50k+ players. So...
It would work eventually if forge is a continued service, DOOM already has scripted ai so its possible to be done 343i just needs to take those...
-Offline customs to test our offline forge maps in case you know you just want everything done smoothly with no problems. -Forest Canvas like...
The DMR spawn seems tacked on like there's no real purpose other than a route for vehicles so its predictable where enemies will come from unless...
So does this include the forge maps?
I'll be mainly remaking Halo: CE and Halo 2, with some Halo 3 I even thought of blending some of them. I was actually wondering if they would...
Yea that's what I was thinking, since this is a new Halo I already understood these remakes would still be changed to allow the gameplay go more...
You're thinking too much fps but could broaden that perspective with other types of maps that be modified to a PvP competitive Fps environment....
Its just the actual issue is you shouldn't feel as if your forced to experience something you had in the previous Bungie Halo's. The gameplay is...
The game is a 6 in my book but boosts up to an 8 when forge/btb releases but to give a 9 or 10... That's being generous especially about the...