I saved this map right after that game of customs we played on it. I thought i was a very solid map and my favorite halo 3 map was the pit so this...
These maps are great and dont let anyone tell you different. I personally really like the original layouts. I wish i was as talented as you. My...
I really like this map and i agree with you on those that people make their maps sound godly. I do like a good story with things like infection...
vcookie? does the lilne through your name mean you take the message back?
If you want i would be willing to help test out just about anytime. This looks like a good BTB map. Is that what you intended? anyway message me...
I would love to help test out this map. Looks great. Just send me a friend request and let me know when you want to start a game. My gamertag is...
Great map! ive been thinking about making a map like this for a long time. I agree with matt though. The fixed weapons is cool but it just causes...
I agree it does sound great and i would be willing to test it too. I dont know what your gamertag is so if you want testers just add me as a...
Hey im always willing to test a map. My gamertag is my username. QuietGiant72. This map looks like it could be alot of fun. Just send me a friend...
Hey i really like your map and i agree there does need to be more maps like the pit but not any remakes. Im new to forgehub and im still having...