Map Style: Symetrical, Complex, BTB Map Name Preferences: Something complex and/or large Map Quality Named After: Map Name Meaning: Map...
That's exactly what I used. Tell me, do you like it?
I've made it to puzzle 3 and now I'm completely lost, I have no idea on what I could be doing right now. Buddha, I need YOU (to help me or give me...
Wow, I can't wait for this map to be out to the public. I'm dying to try this map out! Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see the rest of...
Wow, I feel really sorry for her, truly, truly sorry...... :cry: Wait... Oh sh**, I just got my flu shot 4 days ago!
Yea! I loved whatsintheseven so this is really promising to me! Looks great, DL from me! I'll make a review once I've tested it out! BTW: I...
Jump, SMACK! That was funny! I had to watch that about five times!
[IMG] That was clever :)
That is a very good idea, I will make a picture trying to show that later
This picture was taken on 07/17/09 after I got Recon armor from bungie day. This picture was taken inside of the screenshot room on Orbital. So...
Yea, what he said, I would have MAYBE enjoyed it, except for the (stupid) fact that I can't ghost jump.. :( This doesn't mean that you should take...
This is my first screenshot that I took after I got Recon armor from Bungie Day (07/07/09) about four months ago. This picture was taken in the...