- Halo 3 "Mythic" = Possible Expansion? (PHOTO PROOF) What do you think?
TreyArch > News > Michael Phelps Gets A Special Gift From Treyarch & Activision! No.. he didn't get it early. He will, but he hasn't yet.
Where in the game is it stealing from Mario? Its not even really about the platforming.. its all about the puzzles. If it were a straight...
Just so you know, they confirmed that its not Halo 4. Its in the Halo universe but not halo 4. I'll try to figure out where they said that.
Signed. pwninatr
I never do either. It was my second one i had actually bought. (i bought uno but just with the 400 points card that came with the starter kit)...
Its actually 8th now. Or it was yesterday at least. And i bought this a few days ago. Its an amazing game. Definitely worth the 15 dollars....
Sorry, lol. Sounds good!
By this song you mean?
Its actually a Peter Jackson game. No joke. Also Cliffy B said he loved the game, so i wouldn't say its kiddy. ;)
lOl.. What a tard.
Thanks! I'll take that into account. Well, thats kind of the point. The bottom is kind of a death zone.