cool good luck with everything cant wait to play it on matchmaking
hey would just like to say your video's are in on the thread for lotus. =)
all right man, everything's set i got people playing your map on sunday, the host is going to save the video's and then put them on his file...
aimless i am sorry, as of right now i am perparing for finals test and completly forgot about your map videos, however i will post something on...
okay will do expect the films in by Wednesday, thanks man my brother is everything to me, means a ton for you to say that
Sorry i have not been able to respond within the last couple of day man, my brother was deployed out to iraq to serve in the military, so i will...
Great job man, cant wait to be playing this on matching making, good luck with that hope everything turns out well, but i have a feeling things...
Guys i love this map with a passion, i helped test it for the guy. In my opinion it's well deserving of a feature. I love the gameplay, the look,...
hey kidbomber i was just notified that the test for tomorrow (elongate) has been cancelled due to a last minute situation for the host.
scope if you need any help with TZ request's then please fell free to ask me. ~Pville~
it is possiable to geo in the crypt i am doing so right now
great remake on gemini bro, you got my vote
yeah i kinda figured that out lol
Okay cool
hey scope could you replace my spot in the saturday night party, with dow, cause I will not be attending