Tried this out, and loved the way it paced. Humans would slowly die at the beginning, but once zombies start coming from multiple directions...
Looks good Rifte, gave it a download. I'll post again after I play
This map looks amazing. If you need any more help testing, I'm definitely up for it. GT: xlpuni15h3rlx A for sure download when its released though
OK, so I played a couple of games of this yesterday with a decent sized party (10-12 players). The main complaints i got were: -Snipers is too...
I haven't had a chance to play this yet, but I did a fly through and it looks like it would be really fun. I don't remember what the spawn timers...
Wow, thank you. Most of my other stuff isn't that good xD I've been following a lot of tutorials to get better
Put the B&W layer on top of the colored one, and erase on the B&W layer so the color shows
It snowed in Texas a on Christmas, so I took a picture and edited it a little bit. Any Constructive criticism? Original:...
I'm fairly sure it's not possible. VIP is chosen after the round starts, so he spawns at any of the points
Restarting it is what's bothering me though. Everytime I played Iced Valley (Creeping Death made it) It never needed to be restarted.
I'm making a minigame map using the VIP gametype on Sandbox. The game is made to where the defense team has 3-6 people, and the offense team has...
Looks good. I liked the original Halo, and this track looks just as good, if not better. My only suggestion is to add some low walls for the...