It's nearly done. It has an assault phase where you blow the wall off the Spartan's base then a territories phase where you unlock the core for...
I just got started on v2, should be rollin' out soon. Fixing the engines and front to look better and other changes. Edited by merge: New...
I'd really like some feedback/ ratings to see if I should make a V3. ___________________ The updated version of my original Midsummer Night....
Very nice ship in general, it looks like the rooms fit together well. I really like the command tower. I'm having trouble getting mine to look...
If you're using the default control scheme, use LB and RB to move vertically. Edited by merge: Here's the updated tutorial on how to walk around...
OP Updated.
Yeah, definitely a little disappointing. I was hoping that it would be an Avalanche type thing but no luck :(
I heard you need to learn how to walk around in the pelican on New Alexandria.
I'm not really following. Do you mean the one for the turrets? Or the hanger?
UPDATE: I have created a newer version, go to this link for it. Greetings Forge hub! This is my first map I've posted so bear with me. This is...
Really good map but I really wish that it had some sort of back end. Right now it's just a gaping hole.
Just for giggles, where exactly does the Warthog go?
By not using walls. There are some pieces in Forge World that can function as wall and are much larger. Play with the pieces for a while, you'll see.