can you confirm our match? thanks
what's your GT?
hey, when do you want to play our 1v1? My GT is xtesticaIitiesx send me an FR.
Can you confirm our score please? Thanks
You should check out my profile picture
When do you want to play our 1v1?
lol, was I right about you though? What's your real GT?
hahaha!!! If your not gonna tell me yours I'm not gonna tell you mine. My guess is your a general and you don't wan't people to know so that they...
What??? In the last message you sent me you said you were talking to Insane54 to figure out why you were in first place. Now your saying you are...
What's your GT?
When are you going to confirm our score?
Yeah I guess, but he was one of the people I beat. lol
hey, do you know how the 1v1 ladders ranking system works? I've won 3 games and lost none but I'm still behind someone who lost one and won one.
why are you in 1st on the 1v1 ladders even though you haven't won the most games?