I'd kinda lean towards MC. If we look at regular Spartans and Elites, we've seen single Spartans kill multiple elites with minor trouble. The...
I just wish they'd give us more -blam- teleporters. But this looks like a great remake, I'll run it tonight and see how it feels.
First, amazing remake. I love it. Only issues: -Known framerate minor problem. Can't be helped. -Fusion coils on the bottom floor. That was...
I roll 7. I stayed on the default for a while, but because I was getting assassinated too often I threw it up to 7. I snipe all the time and make...
First impressions, it looks like you sawed off half of the original map. Great work! I always thought that map was stupidly unbalanced for...
Looks good, but I'd really like more pictures and maybe some descriptions.
Looks great. I bet it would play well, too. Just fyi, while flying around in forge, I found a hole that leads to out of the map. Don't know if...
Count me in. GT: Platinum Human
Firstly, I'm pretty "upset" that my image for the topic didn't show up. That's super lame. If anyone knows how to fix that short of making a new...
Compact I made this map with the simple thought of: "I bet it's really easy to make symmetrical maps." While this isn't necessarily true, it was...
After extensive testing and laborious research I have discovered that Rifte is the master of Forge. i.e. - Structures don't move in Custom Game....
I wanted to try something fun here: [IMG] I call the idea "Core". Its an upside-down satellite antenna that stays in place, but rotates. In the...
Pick a game no one else would even think of to remake a map from... like Star Fox: Assault.