Haha, apparently we had an argument over something 3 years ago, don't even remember what. My apologies for my old 15 year old self's maturity :)
Hey guys, just wanted to show off my first Halo 4 map :). Composer is centered in the air by the cliffside on the Forgeworld, Ravine. Composer...
Sargeant go ahead and laugh, but if you're gonna mock me about it, that's a dickheaded move. I loved her so much, I liked her for 2 years before...
Yea she didn't break up with me over the poem, she didn't even see it, she had to "Find herself" Even though she had a new bf not even 2 weeks...
Yea the NEVER part does seem creeperish now that I think about it, but she's told me that we will be together FOREVER, so she shouldn't be creeped...
lol thanks Shanon =D
EDIT: She broke up with me this morning =( But go ahead and read it still, even though it was a waste My Girlfriend's 17th Birthday is in 2...
"have" the race, a boring "think" to watch? Geese man, learn to spell. NASCAR can have lead changes every 5-6 laps, sometimes even less, you...
Pokemon by far. Bakugan is all, field open! Roll a ball! Place a card down! Yell! Place a Card down! It's like there is no strategy to it AT ALL.
Just to say, not everyone can drive oval well. Anyone can drive road course as well. I have personally raced both Oval and Road Course and found...
If NASCAR isn't, than F1 isn't neither, little of people know, those Ovals put TONS of stress on drivers.
I personally believe they are. People who say otherwise obviously have not gotten close to a Motorsport or have learned about it. Take NASCAR for...