This map is simply amazing. It's so smooth, without those annoying "bumps" that those other race maps have. It's asthetically pleasing and a great...
Hey i'm a 50 in MLG on 4 accounts. If you want i have this new account that's a lvl 15. I can help you get up to like a 45 or even a 50 (if you're...
My Results: [IMG] Walshy You are Walshy. You are a fan favorite and a well known veteran of the circuit. Although not known for your slaying...
He's so bad anyway. Why would anyone want lessons from him? Whoever believes he's scrimmed str8 is a dumbass. He's not a legit brig, his friends...
I get mad because i get paired with scrubs who don't know what the F**k they're doing.
I have a 50 in MLG on 4 accounts so far. I'm trying to get it up on my 1st account (PhantomBishop), but it's level locked so it's stupid. lol
lol i'm going to go with xPRO. lol sounds cool doesn't it?
This is going to take this game to the next level. This is going to be epic my friends. Hopefully they get many new firefight maps out quickly!
You got it cause you're good? that's cool.
that's sweet! How did you get it?
hey HaVoK, do you really have recon like in ur signature? If you do that's kick ass!
Very clean map. however there are no vehicles, roadblocks, or trucks in MLG maps. Other than that this map is very nice i especially like the...
The map plays absolutely solid. However i recommend geomerging the boxes in pictures 1 & 2 into the wall. Other than that this map plays very...
Wow! Geomerging and merging look flawless. I think this would make a sweet squad battle map. Definite DL and 5/5. Great job my friend!
Very nicely done, however if I were you i'd merge the bridges at the top that lead to the teleporter. The geomerging looks terrific as does the...