This looks familiar... Checked for new breaks in it? I see you removed the rock which eliminates a possibility there.
You can't do untill, or can't do for the whole weekend?
Yeah I thought it was me, I reset the internet modem lol. That may be a problem during the contest...Would we lose the match if you lagged out?
Yeah I was entering it for fun. Hey get on live now I sent you a friend request. Play some double team and practise. I will download the gametype...
Okay, my gamertag is Ozkid3232. I'm worried if one of our matches is when I'm at school :/
I will be ur throwdown partner hey? EDIT: Im Australian Eastern too
That's cool. :)
Welcome to Forge Hub! It seems like a pretty decent map, but in the 2nd picture (blue spawn) there doesn't seem to be much cover. A few crates...
If you don't already have a Throwdown partner yet, I'd be glad to be your partner, the only problem is the timezone. I live in Aus, if you didn't...
Hey there. I am currently making a Puzzle map. Just to make things about it, can you please attempt in making a covent airship/cruiser of some...
You sir, calmed me down!! I like the look of all the maps really. I may not be an expert Forger, but I like the look of Clandestine and Tripox....
You nailed this one. I actually thought it was an infinity remake at first, then it ended up being like 3 maps in one. Great job. And I agree...