Two issues I have come across. You can not "Kick" an unwanted player from your forge session. There is no "Delete All" option in forge.
No time to play customs.... Just forge.
Anyone else really pissed off about not having new gametypes in the update next week. They delayed forge for 1.5 months and what did they do, F**K...
Bottom right for sure.
How many new game types will come with the December update?
Good to see a custom thumbnail in there. I really don't think rating is required. It would never be accurate at all so I see no point in having it.
Yes this version will make getting and sharing maps slower but we need Custom Thumbnails... It would be supper easy to implement this.
20th Please
Ultra misleading title, i'm so disappointed. I though it was another canvas 343 announced :(
Go work on angel Island.
I only talk the truth...
pants why so much rooky ? ;)
Yes options are good, but does the forge feel to technical? Did you guys see any scenery pieces?
wow bro! really, it was a ****ing joke. No need to get salty! i think we have a steelgreen number 2 here!