What if there was a game type where you just had to survive in firefight, but was also sort of like a gambling match? My idea is every five...
One big par of a mission with many, many, many friendly and enemy AI's. Kind of like a huge brawl. With many troops, light and heavy vehicles, and...
Yah, but mostly massacre matches and big team slayer.
This map is an enclosed, secured area of a UNSC. Arcane means mysterious or secret. It has three-stories and the center contains a bottomless...
You have an insane idea for Halo, which probably no one will like? Share it here to see what people thing of it. Even bad ideas can become good...
If you have ever played Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, then you know want I'm going to talk about. What if Halo Wars came out...
Sort of? Its for sharing ideas and thoughts about Halo.