oo XM oo submitted a new map: Precipice - A unique asymmetrical map designed primarily for 8v8 Team Slayer. A unique asymmetrical map designed...
A unique asymmetrical map designed primarily for 8v8 Team Slayer. However it does have a strongholds variant that is somewhat different from a...
Hey Para! Me again! I have another map if you want to check it out! It should be great for 8v8 slayer or 8v8 strongholds! GT: oo XM oo Map:...
Are you doing this every Saturday at 8pm?
Just an update! I found a few bugs and squashed them so the latest one as of right now is good to go! See you guys on Saturday!
Okay all the improvements have been made. There is no way anyone can die in the water unless of course they go far off the sides of the map (Which...
Sweet! Thanks for the feedback. I came up with some ideas to help make it a better experience, i'll work on it tonight and comment again with the...
I would love to play test my map! It was designed with Big Team battle/ CTF in mind so yeah... I still need to adjust the lighting and spawns but...