It's just because your not pro enough... Go back to basketball novak :) JK I really wouldn't mind if they would have a mythic 2 DLC, instead of...
And the AR you aim anywhere on the body, hold down the trigger, and then continue with a beat-down. That sounds like much more skill... ROFL
Thats awesome, those actually look like trees. Good work.
For falling through the map geometry i find it easier to just melee, and you will fall right through. Sometimes if you move you just get pushed away.
This map is flawless, personally i like hill, but CTF is just as perfect. The telporter idea has even made it's way into my newest map (but don't...
It seems like the custom would be burnt everytime, maybe your better off with a camo. Or maybe put a power weapon instead. A mauler would be a...
This map was very fun, i even think you could make an EM ELL JEE (MLG) variant, and I'm really glad you got rid of all those brute shots, i think...
what if they are useless and your bitching over nothing. If you really want to float, hold a double box in the water, save it, and then end it....
*Update*: name = MLG Lanthanium(to lie beneath) Worked on blue base(upper), made snipe spawn, worked on top mid a lil'.started red street....
Yeah there are going to be many other structures that will block blue street to red street. but there will be structures(such as Top mid) that...
MLG Raw This is the very beginning to my newest Work-in-progress. I recently have learned the "No-clip" glitch and have been exploiting it where...
I am having problems dummying the objects, The object always gets pulled right into my face when i do it, and i have splattered myself countless...
I just loooove the emblem... thingy you did with teleporters. Gracias, for the excellent idea for my map. :P (Don't worry I'm not going to...