Hey, i'm not normally a forge hub guy, generally I'm hanging over at XForgery as Noezy, but surely you wouldn't mind me using that FANTASTIC...
I dun has Bpro. Therefore no minutes.
I think we just found what it needs to be.
Patch. Move on. Done. Like Roche said, they can't really ban unless they are seen done it the act. I really think doing this glitch is a trick...
I remember testing a very early edition of this map a while ago, even with 4v4 it was an absolute blast. Congrats man. You never disappoint.
I reckon you should've made this out of Wall, T's and Wall Corners, as they would be the least used items. Or make it out of a little bit of every...
Listen to Swim To The Moon. 17 (That's right, 17 minutes) of pure fantastic music.
I s'pose. Constellations is an amazing album though, and I have plenty of other bands to listen to, so I'm not a sad face as you are. Heard of...
No sir, it does not. You got Lost Messengers?
Seems to be. Now I know why you named your map Back Burner!
I herd yuo liek August Burns Red.
Lovin' the guide, I like how everythin' had some sort of explaination, and not a crappy one either. Sorry I havn't been working on my asset map....