I will be making a version 2 this weekend or the next.
Yea, I used a capture card to save my pictures as a video file, but the file was a avi, so I converted it, and the pictures shrunk, I'll fix it today
Thanks for the advice, edditing now
ONI: FOLDOUT A Game by Oakdude9 YouTube- Halo 3 Forged Map Foldout Gameplay YouTube- Halo 3 Forged Map: Foldout Walkthrough Story: Prologue: “Will...
This map looks amazing 5/5 and a download from me.
Cool, message me toworow at 12:30. I'll be on then. Same gamertag.
Thank You alot. I Have been working on things like ghost merging for the pipeline, removing the radio antenas, and using a schafolding, radio...
It doesn't matter, and thank you for your response. I will try harder next time.
Thank you for your feedback. As mentioned, I had to work with one of my friends. Despite my complaints about the radio towers, he insisted on...
Yea I feel the same. My theory about Avatar is the same as how I felt about Jurassic Park. In Jurassic Park, 4/5 of the movie is sceen's of the...
MODERN WARFARE 2'S RUST Download Link Here Gametype Here [IMG] The screen fades to gray as the slow countdown starts. The suspence is building...
Thank You So Much. For the DL and telling me how to post photo's. I will be interlocking more and adding more aestetics on the V2 (now that I know...
LOST: THE HATCH A One Bomb Game [IMG] A Game by Oakdude9 As soon as the words LOST turned across my Internet browser on hulu.com, I knew I...