I've always wondered if other people played this. Question is now answered. I havent looked into map making or downloading yet. Thanks for sharing...
I just wanted to tell you I love you for how great you avatar is.
I plan on getting Knight Rider when I turn 14... In all seriousness! I would like a nice smooth riding car when I turn 16. Probably a Honda
I've missed you Kid! Can I ask, is the hand messed up or was it meant to be? I have no reference or knowledge about it. Ah quite nice shading!
To be exact....... Street Ballers V3.
I try son! I try! Make me look like baller! So all the ladies gimme holla!
Laugh my ass off! Uncoordinated? Laugh my ass off! Uncoordinated? Oh sooooooo gangster!
What went down last weekend! YouTube - Nerf Ballin Boys
You've inspired me to FINALLY make a signature. It has been months since the last time I've tried! The best work I've seen in my life.
Where are the custom playercards?!
Dangling Scrotum
What is she so busy with anyways?
I think I might use the first one for my T-Mobile G1. I especially like the grudge texture!