Welcome to ForgeHub! Your post isn't yet up to standards. However, you can still fix it. A brief description of the map, and at least one (but...
I agree, but he might not have much budget or many items left to work with. And the map isn't going to suffer without this addition. Great...
Looks nice, but I can't really get a sense of the layout. A top-down sketch, even on graph paper, would be nice. What I can see looks good, but I...
This looks like a good remake. The catwalks seem a tad thin, but I get that concessions have to be made for forge. If you decide to make a newer...
This map seems like what would happen if Ivory Tower and Construct had a baby. I wasn't sold on the map just from the writeup, but after seeing...
When I played Halo PC way back when, I always thought that these structures would make a for a good, symmetrical-styled multiplayer map. This map...
Ask him to put it on his fileshare, and then link to it on bnet.
Holy ****. I thought the page hadn't loaded properly until I scrolled right. Giant image is fokkin' giant. If the map is made primarially for...
The exterior looks great, and I especially like what you did with the cockpit. I wish that there were more pics of the interior (assuming it's...
Although the original was never one of my favorite maps when I played Halo PC, it nonetheless brings me back. Great remake; don't fret over the...
"That's no moon...." Sorry, had to say it. That might make a good map description, though. This map is sheer brilliance. I can't wait to play on...
Hmm. I never liked the original map, but I know a damn good remake when I see one. Props to you.
This map is a testament to how incredibly versatile the new forging system is. This really takes me back. I honestly cannot wait to play this...
The map layout is certainly unique and shows promise, but it seems as if anyone caught out on the bridges by someone in one of the towers would be...