hidden valley
I'm 16 I still play it haha.
What would you suggest doing as a new player starting a brand new character?
Thanks man, any suggestions on where/ how to get some extra caps?
I'm currently like level 5, what should I do to get some good guns and started out and stuff?
Yes. But thanks for your input.
Anyone else still play? I've been playing for like 4 years on and off, games so addicting.
I had to totally reinstall Windows 7, formatting my harddrive. I improperly uninstalled Ubuntu, but that's besides the point. I need you guys to...
What are some fun jumping maps?
Most of my friends got bored of Halo a while ago, so is there any fun single player mini game maps? Like puzzle maps but not puzzle maps? haha
Haha I think I did, I don't remember it at all though.
No worries, I don't recognize the name either. Haha yeah I made a return about a year ago as well :P