Can we get together soon and talk about remaking this??
Thanks for the feedback. The rock wall are a bit tricky when it comes to Grifball. I originally had it vary more, but I was running into issues...
This looks really well done! Love the theme. Oh and thanks for helping us test our maps the other night.
N1TRO submitted a new map: Bloodsport - Remix of the classic H3 Grifball cour, Chichén Itzá Based off of Nokyard's Halo 3 Grifball map, Chichén...
Based off of Nokyard's Halo 3 Grifball map, Chichén Itzá or Mayan as most of you would remember. Bloodsport's design has the heart of the classic...
I really miss the veto system.
And you should be! Every forger out there doesn't make a masterpiece on their first go around. Keep doing what you have been doing, learn from...
Can't wait, hope the site conversion goes well!
I'm excited for this. I wonder what map I will design.
This has been the best 30 year old birthday! Thanks man!
Thanks dude!! The best birthday present!!
So today is my birthday :P and I picked the 16th lol.
The way CS:GO handles their custom maps, that's what I would love to see implemented. For those who may not know what I am talking about, say you...