Holy ****, this website is still alive. As is this thread. This is crazy.
How shallow and pedantic. Ohey.
Yaay ****ing compressing videos magically removing my commentary! Anyway yeah Imma post this here for now. The next few episodes will all have...
Honestly, you'll probably love it. Repetition isn't too much of an issue here to be honest, it's about as much issue here as it is in games...
As far as I can remember, PS1: Crash Bandicoot N64: Majoras Mask PS2: Metal Gear Solid 2 or Kingdom Hearts, I'm not so sure. Xbox: Some Rainbow...
I live in the country too.
I run off 3G wifi. I'm about 5km from the mast. I get a consistent DL speed of about 6mpbs and never lag in games, and my ping never goes over 90....
Don't look forward to it too much. Crysis 3's multiplayer isn't anything to write home about, and Far Cry 3 is mediocre. Crysis 3's campaign is...
It'll be used for menu traversal, probably something like there'll be shortcuts for the PS Store and Home there. Also, insulting people because...
The first half of that post was opinion, though. You shouldn't enter a factual argument and treat your opinion as fact.
Official stream for anyone who's interested: http://ie.playstation.com/meeting2013/ New games and **** being announced there too.
The reason you're exploit doesn't work anymore is because it was patched. Clear your xbox's cache and it'll do the trick. Someone might as well...
Barney the dinosaur is grittier than Halo.
My Little Pony is grittier than Halo.