Cool! Hey, what is your GT? Maybe I could show you my version sometime?
Hahaha! I have a FNAF map in progress...
When infection comes out it better have a bunch of awesome features/settings! Like H2A X 3...
Here's what 343 had to say about the addition of new gametypes in Halo 5: "Next up, game types. We know many of you are looking forward to jumping...
So... The January Update is called Infinity's Armory? Infinity->War games->game modes->Infection??? Illuminati Confirmed.AAAALLLLLSSOOOO!!!!...
I remember playing this! Fun map! I'm a sucker for these Hunger Games maps! :) Did you fix the cannon that was scripted?
Where is the infection gametype in H5? Will this legendary gametype become an addition in the upcoming January update or will it be swept under...
Sweet map! I'll have to check this out!
Nate Rutledge submitted a new map: Extreme Frogger - A fun, chaotic mini-game that uses some interesting Halo 5 scripting! *Must be played with...
*Must be played with Extreme Frogger gametype* To set up the game put two people on blue team and the rest of the lobby on red. Red team's...
The gametype is called Defend the House :)
This happens to me a lot as well!
Nate Rutledge submitted a new map: Cabin in the Woods - An epic, asthetically pleasing hide and seek map. The fog rolls through the forest...