Why does everyone ***** about the grid? I can see the map perfectly fine... same rules apply when people ***** about effects even when it isn't...
Very simple, but effective when coming to Banshee practice... I hate how easy it is to die via passing through the Forge Grid though.
One does not simply walk into Mordor!
You spelled the name of your own map wrong... the word is "infrastructure". Not "infastructure". But... I don't feel like getting an infraction...
Could you provide better screen shots? Maybe an overview/under view? I would appreciate it considering I can't see very much of the map with what...
You spelled Assault wrong. XD Anyway... I think this maps seems alright, what kind of Hornets are they? And what are the re-spawn times on the...
Your mom wasn't up to standards; That's why I got her so cheap. Anyway, I think the map could do with a bit of a clean up... I was thinking...
Thank you. I've had many compliments on the Launch Pad on how it looks... maybe I'll make an air base. Remember, if you liked this map, I think...
Wow, I like it... it seems like a mix of Midship and Warlock/Wizard, but with some nice aesthetics. 4/5!
I don't think it's very good... it's too open and it does't really look like you did anything. To be honest, it kinda looks like you just deleted...